We advise on all employment law issues for both employees and employers. Do you wish to save time, eliminate risks resulting from misinterpretation of legal regulations or have more time to devote to the full development of your business?
The Labour Code and other labour law regulations are still designed on the employee protection principle and in case of an inappropriate method of termination of employment or failure to meet the formal requirements for termination documentation, the employer may incur significant costs.
Our service is based on a personal approach, an emphasis on understanding the operational needs of employers and a commitment to finding practical and simple solutions. Our goal is to create a legal framework for a workable, balanced and seamless relationship between employee and employer. We know how to look at things differently and that is why we offer comprehensive support in solving your problems and implementing work processes.
- preparation of employment documentation (employment and management contracts, directives, etc.);
- incentive programs, management option programs, ESOP programs, including tax aspects;
- setting up benefits for employees, including tax aspects of benefits;
- alternative working time arrangements, including flexible working, working time accounts and job sharing;
- termination of employment and collective redundancies;
- negotiating with trade unions, setting up payroll deductions and wage garnishments;
- labour audits aimed at reviewing labour documentation and internal regulations;
- labour disputes, including employee or employer liability disputes;
- preparation of compliance documentation and their implementation in companies, including GDPR, whistleblowing, AML, ESG, etc.