
The ability to survive in today’s world of consulting and especially advocacy is mainly based on the people who make up the firm’s team, from partners to students. At SAMAK, we place an emphasis on personal growth and seek professionals for whom work is not just a job, but to a large extent a joy. We are not interested in short-term cooperation, but in creating long-term relationships and professional growth.

Selected candidates will have the opportunity to take part in exciting projects that will give them new knowledge and skills. Don’t just expect routine and simple tasks though, we aim to push all team members further and draw on the experience of senior colleagues in collaborative projects. In the office, we also ensure a work/life balance and provide a range of exciting benefits.

If your position is not currently advertised and you would like to work with us, please feel free to send us your CV. Not all of our current needs are shown in the posted positions.


SAMAK, Advisory Group based in Prague, is expanding its team and is looking for new colleagues for the position of associate attorney in the office in the centre of Prague.

In our law firm you will receive comprehensive preparation for the role of an attorney. We offer varied and interesting work in various legal areas such as commercial, civil law, real estate, restructuring and insolvency, litigation and more.

Desired profile

  • We are looking for a reliable colleague who is not afraid to work on complex projects with senior attorneys.
  • A colleague with a proactive approach, independence, diligence and responsibility
  • A colleague with an interest in law, legislation and everything related, with a desire to push themselves and be part of a dynamic team
  • Excellent knowledge of the Czech language and PC skills (advanced knowledge of MS Office)
  • Knowledge of one world language an advantage (EN, DE preferred)

We offer

  • Full time, office in the centre of Prague
  • Flexible working hours
  • Salary 30 – 45 thous. CZK, depending on experience and knowledge
  • Friendly team, company teambuilding
  • Professional trainings
  • Refreshments at the workplace
  • Expected career growth to the position of attorney
  • Immediate start

Are you interested? We would be happy if you let us know by sending us your CV and a few sentences about you to:

HR team of SAMAK Advisory Group

SAMAK Advisory Group, Prague office, is adding a legal assistant to its ranks.

Job description

  • Direct cooperation with attorneys and participation in solving client requirements
  • Research and legal analysis of assigned issues (work with current legislation, case law, commentaries)
  • Preparation of statements and briefs to courts, state and local authorities and other institutions
  • Direct communication with clients, courts, state and local government authorities and other institutions
  • Preparation of basic client documents, contracts, powers of attorney
  • Occasional errands (courts, notary, Czech POINT, clients)
  • Checking the legal force and enforceability of court or administrative decisions
  • Filing execution motions, applications for claims in insolvency proceedings, inheritance proceedings and auctions
  • Receiving and sending data mail, cooperation in administrative processing
  • Cooperation with the reception and other activities according to the specified requirements

Required profile

  • Ideally a university degree in law or public administration (min. secondary education with a high school diploma)
  • Very good organisational and communication skills, reliability, diligence, responsibility and loyalty
  • Interest in law, legislation and everything related to it, willingness to further improve and learn
  • Excellent knowledge of the Czech language and PC skills
  • Knowledge of one world language an advantage (EN, DE preferred)
  • Previous experience in a similar position an advantage

We offer

  • Part-time work in the centre of Prague in a multidisciplinary consulting group, of which the law firm is an integral part
  • Working hours by agreement with regard to study obligations
  • Friendly team, company teambuilding
  • Remuneration according to experience
  • Career growth as an associate


Are you interested? We would be glad if you let us know by sending us your CV with a few sentences about you to the following e-mail address: . Starting date is possible by agreement.

HR team of SAMAK Advisory Group

Jsme česká poradenská skupina s pobočkami v Praze a ve Zlíně, zaměřující se na komplexní poradenství pro české střední firmy.  Pro klienty zajišťujeme mimo jiné restrukturalizace jejich podnikání, akvizice či mezigenerační obměny firem. Do naší kanceláře proto hledáme business analytika se znalostí oceňování a orientací ve finančních výkazech.

Hlavní náplň práce:

  • Práce s finančními výkazy společností, zpracování ekonomických otázek a kalkulací škod pro soudní spory
  • Spolupráce při oceňování podniků a vyhodnocování jejich efektivity
  • Práce s odbornými databázemi a sledování aktuální situace na M&A trhu
  • Zpracování znaleckých posudků a valuačních reportů v oblasti ocenění podniků a nehmotných aktiv pro investory a zajímavé klienty
  • Projektové řízení vstupu nových investorů při prodeji firem
  • Komunikace s klienty i uvnitř týmu
  • Tvorba odborných článků a zpracování tržních reportů

Naše představa o Vás:

  • VŠ ekonomického vzdělání, výhodou zaměření studia na oceňování
  • Důležitá je znalost valuačních metod a orientace v účetních výkazech
  • Praxe v controllingu, finanční analýze nebo auditu
  • Znalosti MS Office (primárně MS Excel na pokročilé úrovni, MS Word pro zpracování reportů a PowerPoint pro přípravu prezentací)
  • Výborné analytické, komunikační a organizační schopnosti, pečlivost a selský rozum.
  • Pokročilá finanční angličtina
  • Zkušenost s analýzou a interpretací komplexních dat
  • Prezentační a komunikační dovednosti, schopnost komunikovat s klienty a psát písemné výstupy.
  • Chuť a zájem pracovat na zajímavých projektech v oblasti oceňování podniků a M&A poradenství


  • Flexibilní pracovní dobu a možnost home office
  • Týden dovolené navíc, notebook, mobilní telefon a další benefity
  • Kancelář v centru Prahy nebo ve Zlíně s možností sdíleného parkování
  • Přátelský kolektiv, firemní teambuildingy, 1x měsíčně neformální setkání s kolegy po práci
  • Podpora seniorních kolegů a pocit, že v tom nejste sám
  • Pestrá práce, možnost účastnit se odborných konferencí a jiných zajímavých akcí
  • Nástup možný ihned
  • Práce na plný úvazek (možné HPP i IČO)


Zaujali jsme Vás? Budeme rádi, pokud nám o sobě dáte vědět zasláním Vašeho životopisu s několika větami o Vás, na e-mailovou adresu: .

HR tým poradenské skupiny SAMAK

Jsme česká poradenská skupina s pobočkami v Praze a ve Zlíně, která se zaměřuje na právní, daňové, účetní a transakční poradenství pro české střední a malé firmy.  Pro klienty zajišťujeme mimo jiné restrukturalizace jejich podnikání, akvizice a financování a další služby. Pro doplnění týmu hledáme seniorního advokáta se zkušenostmi primárně z oblasti korporátního práva a M&A, který již nechce působit samostatně.

Koho hledáme?

  • Seniorního kolegu, který má víceleté zkušenosti s korporátním právem a M&A.
  • Předpokládáme samostatnost, zkušenosti s vedením týmu, schopnost analytického a pragmatického myšlení a rozhodování.
  • Znalost alespoň jednoho světového jazyka (ideálně angličtina, další jazyk vítán).
  • Zkušenosti s projektovým řízením.
  • Přínos vlastní klientely umíme ocenit.

Co nabízíme?

  • Nadstandardní finanční ohodnocení
  • Spolupráce na projektech s daňovými a transakčními specialisty
  • Flexibilní pracovní doba
  • Příjemné kancelářské prostory na Praze 1 nebo ve Zlíně, včetně sdíleného parkování
  • Přátelský kolektiv, firemní teambuildingy, občerstvení na pracovišti
  • Možný kariérní postup mezi partnery
  • Odborná školení a další benefity
  • Nástup dle dohody

Přemýšlíte o změně aktuálního nastavení? Potkejte se s námi a pobavme se, jak posunout Vaši kariéru dále. Budeme rádi, pokud nám o sobě dáte vědět zasláním životopisu a několika vět o aktuálním nastavení na e-mailovou adresu:

HR tým poradenské skupiny SAMAK

The consulting group SAMAK is looking for a new colleague for the position of Senior Accountant at the accounting and tax office SAMAK TAX s.r.o.

What will your job entail?

  • Handling complete double-entry bookkeeping, including VAT, and preparing monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements for clients from various industries.
  • Processing payroll, including reports and declarations.
  • Preparing ad-hoc reports for clients and maintaining active communication with clients.
  • Preparing documents for corporate and personal income tax returns.
  • Communicating with authorities.
  • Preparing materials for tax advisors (research, accounting outputs for further processing, etc.).
  • Communicating with tax advisors and other members of the consulting group.

What should your profile look like?

  • High school/University degree in economics.
  • Experience with complete accounting and payroll processing.
  • Proven accounting experience of at least 3 years.
  • Knowledge of accounting and tax legislation.
  • Proficiency in MS Office.
  • English at a conversational level.
  • Independence, responsibility, and a willingness to learn new things.
  • Communication skills and a client-oriented approach.

What can we offer you?

  • Full-time employment and corresponding financial compensation (collaboration on a freelance basis is also possible if interested).
  • Immediate start or as agreed.
  • Company benefits (5 weeks of vacation, teambuilding activities, refreshments, meal allowance, shared parking, etc.).
  • Friendly and informal work environment.
  • Flexible working hours.
  • Office in the center of Prague or Zlin.
  • Support from a stable consulting group.

We look forward to hearing from you. Please send your resume and a few words about yourself to the email address:

HR Team of the SAMAK Advisory Group

The SAMAK Advisory Group is looking for a new colleague for the position of Tax Advisor at SAMAK Tax s.r.o.

Job Description:

  • Providing comprehensive support and consultations in tax advisory services.
  • Coordinating tax matters and overseeing procedures for tax obligations.
  • Processing or reviewing tax returns for clients and calculating tax liabilities, particularly corporate income tax.
  • Participation in projects such as acquisitions/M&A, conducting tax due diligence, transaction advisory, etc., including potential project management responsibilities.
  • Collaborating with other advisors within the SAMAK consulting group, particularly with representatives from law firms.
  • Preparing tax and business proposals, participating in tax and business activities of the SAMAK group.

Required Profile:

  • University degree in economics with a focus on accounting and taxes.
  • Tax advisor license (KDP CR).
  • Demonstrable experience in providing tax advisory services, minimum 5 years.
  • Knowledge of the Czech tax system, particularly in corporate income tax and VAT.
  • Familiarity with accounting, especially utilizing accounting outputs for tax purposes and preparing financial statements.
  • English at a good communication level; knowledge of German is advantageous.
  • Analytical and creative thinking, ability to formulate qualified conclusions.
  • Professional proficiency in Czech language, professional and pleasant demeanor.
  • Ability to see tasks through completion, precision.
  • Active interest in the field, high level of independence and reliability.
  • Existing client base is a plus.

We Offer:

  • Interesting work and appropriate financial compensation.
  • Acquisition rewards.
  • Education and professional growth opportunities.
  • Friendly and informal “family-like” company environment.
  • Flexible working hours with the possibility of remote work (quality of work delivered and client satisfaction are paramount).
  • Office in the center of Prague.

Contractual Relationship:

  • Freelance contract (CIN), full-time (client base required).
  • Financial compensation: Negotiable, percentage of client billing.

If you are interested, please send us your resume along with a few sentences about yourself to the email address: Start date is negotiable.

HR Team of SAMAK Advisory Group