The end of unknown owners in the Czech Republic

The end of unknown owners in the Czech Republic

If you are the owner of a property registered in the Land Registry but you are not registered as the owner in the Land Registry, or if you use such a property, beware. On 31 December 2023, the legal deadline for registering these so-called “under-identified owners” will expire. After that, these properties will pass to the state. From 1 January 2024, the state will also demand compensation for the use of these properties. However, it will also be possible, for example, to settle co-ownership with a hitherto unknown owner.

Properties without an owner are listed here:

These include 140 586 plots of land, mainly arable land, meadows and forest land, and 2 458 buildings. This situation is a consequence of the situation before 1989, when the land register was not properly maintained, and at certain times was not even kept at all.

The State intends to transfer the property thus acquired to the State institutions that need it for their activities. Agricultural land will be transferred to the State Land Office, and forest land will be transferred to the State Enterprise Forests of the Czech Republic.

If this concerns you and you do not know what to do. Please contact us, we will be happy to help you.

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